Monday, 28 June 2010

Getting Ready

I've had an urge to take my bike on a bit of a ramble as far north as I can for a few years now. I have never visited the Nordic or Baltic regions before and since I have the opportunity now, why not? Actually, there are quite a few reasons why not, but let's not dwell on them. Better to say why the hell not! :)

So, here is my starter of a route for 10. All I have so far is a start point and an end date. I cant leave before July 5th and have to be back for my girlfriend's brothers' wedding on the 7th August. Everything else is to be improvised. I want to see Fjord-land, the Lofoten Islands, and will try to get as far north as Nordkapp which is allegedly as far north as you can get in Europe. Then wander south through the Baltic states and Poland to see where all our (ex)plumbers and (ex)hotel staff have gone back to.

The blue ticks on the map don't mean anything, they are just the means to sketch out a route on Google Maps so don't bother trying to make sense of them.

Only slight fly in the ointment is that I discovered that I don't actually have a driving license at the moment.....seems that after a slight incident with the Gendarmes in Normandy 4 years ago (involving much pain and a big fine), the DVLA have become convinced that I actually swapped my license for a French one...and needless to say the French authorities don't really want to give me one either.

So, the provisional off date is July this space.