I decided I was done with Finland this morning. One too many tree I guess. I set a course for Tallinn and gave the back roads one last try and would you know, Finland came up trumps. I have a fine time but there was bugger all to photograph so I just rambled on. Occasionally the road surface would just disappear and I was on packed dirt & gravel but it was fine to ride on.

Off to Estonia tomorrow morning and I guess it will be a bit rougher there but I will be glad of a change of scenery. Finland is a bit bland for me. Maybe I am being harsh on it and it is suffering in comparison to its western neighbour. Dull and dependable is a fair description. It is a safe, clean and honest place....but it doesn't have much of a wow factor. Maybe winter is better...

Beer O'Clock...dinner tonight is traditional elephants' foot kebab with a scandinavian twist....no pita and on a plate. The culinary highlight of my trip so far....it tasted fab! I have been living off freeze dried crap and snacks for too long.
Mmmm, yum, yum. Kebab AND chips AND beer. Three out of your five a day in a single sitting!