I packed up and left Tallinn this morning knowing that I will be back. A great place to lose a weekend or two and pick up some culture while you are t it. I set off with no real plan in mind other than I would not look for hilly twisty roads so I would therefore not be disappointed. It was a hot sticky day with the temp varying between 29 and 32 all day so there was no respite. I first headed East along the coast to the Soviet Unions first ever National park. It is a big thing, 725km/sq and as it was Sunday, quite a few locals were out hunting for berries in the woods. Quite a few of the roads are gravel so not much to see if you get behind traffic.

In the end, I decided to take the 'motorway' to Riga and there I had my first encounter with the Latvian overtaking manoeuvre. It is: drive 6 inches from the car in front, wait till there is oncoming traffic, floor it and just scrape in the gap in front of the car you just passed. Repeat. Apparently, the death rate on the roads here is appalling. Wonder why.
they have been over here practicing for the last 10 years.&they dont back off when confronted with a bus either,and we are now praising ourselves for our better safety record ,I wonder why